>>> Roots Crew Sound system meets selector Sensi Tom (Prophecy Records, Greece) on the 5th of March. With them Πρώτες Ύλες in a live dub mix <<<
Roots Crew Sound system : The first Reggae and Dub sound system on the island of Cyprus playing out and promoting Roots Reggae and sound system culture since 2000
https://www.facebook.com/ Roots-Crew-Soundsystem-1653 10793529702/?fref=ts
Sensi Tom : Prophecy records is a reggae/dub label & project from Greece.Created by selector Sensi Tom ,Prophecy have two vinyl releases and share the vibes with artists and producers of the international reggae/ dub/ sound system scene
https://www.facebook.com/ ProphecyRecordsstandProud/ ?fref=ts
Protes Yles : https://www.facebook.com/protesylescy/?fref=ts
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Ital Food and Reggae Vinyl sales from Magos Record Shop / Δισκάδικο Ο Μάγος
This event is being Co-organized by YEU Cyprus.
Supported by Cyprus Dub Community Radio with live broadcast from www.cdcstation.com on the day of the event.
5eu entry
Starts at 21:00
Roots Crew Sound system : The first Reggae and Dub sound system on the island of Cyprus playing out and promoting Roots Reggae and sound system culture since 2000
Sensi Tom : Prophecy records is a reggae/dub label & project from Greece.Created by selector Sensi Tom ,Prophecy have two vinyl releases and share the vibes with artists and producers of the international reggae/ dub/ sound system scene
Protes Yles : https://www.facebook.com/protesylescy/?fref=ts
Ital Food and Reggae Vinyl sales from Magos Record Shop / Δισκάδικο Ο Μάγος
This event is being Co-organized by YEU Cyprus.
Supported by Cyprus Dub Community Radio with live broadcast from www.cdcstation.com on the day of the event.
5eu entry
Starts at 21:00